Saturday, February 25, 2012

Given that the rural areas that will be left without parcel delivery if the Post Office goes bankrupt are the?

same areas where Bible-Thumping Conservatives predominate, should we just go ahead and let House Republicans cut off mail delivery to those areas?Given that the rural areas that will be left without parcel delivery if the Post Office goes bankrupt are the?
Yep, because they caused this!
someone will fill the need, ups or fedex, maybe a good thing if the post office goes bankrupt, the officials are corrupt.

Just another example of how our government leaders have failed, The post office made billions every year even with competition from others. poor management and too many hands in the till have caused this problem.Given that the rural areas that will be left without parcel delivery if the Post Office goes bankrupt are the?
No one will be left without postal service. It will simply be handled more efficiently. You sound just like the people who were railing on and on when the Phone Company was broken up. Service and pricing improved astronomically when that happened.

You liberals all ready took care of that you gave all of us poor rural area people Email, free computers and there is always fedex. Nice try union member.Given that the rural areas that will be left without parcel delivery if the Post Office goes bankrupt are the?
Fair enough.
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